Shoot Magazine chose Michele Atkins for the director’s showcase for up-and-coming directors to watch. In 2016 she won the Academy of Motion Picture Nicholl Fellowship for her feature screenplay TALKING ABOUT THE SKY. She completed a screenplay adaptation for ONE NIGHT IN MISSISSIPPI for award-winning Caviar Films, which made the 14th edition of The Blacklist. Her short film SWEET MERCY opened at the Savannah International Film Festival and won best international short at the Overcome Film Festival. She currently resides in Seattle, Washington. Her website is Micheleatkins.com.


“Particular Peculiarities of a Sooty-Capped Puffbird” (feature film)

Beth, a young veterinarian in Seattle, suffers multiple tragedies over the course of her life - her most recent involving the tragic death of her daughter forces her to finally face the emotions she has hidden away when she begins receiving phone calls from her deceased girl from beyond the grave.


HerArts, 2022 II edition